本家様 http://www.yasunaga-lab.bio.kyutech.ac.jp/EosJ/index.php/Eos




[root@c ~]# curl -L  https://osdn.jp/projects/eos/scm/git/base/blobs/master/env/install-eos.sh?export=raw > install-eos.sh
[root@c ~]# curl -L  https://osdn.jp/projects/eos/scm/git/base/blobs/master/env/Eos_env?export=raw > Eos_env
[root@c ~]# file install-eos.sh
install-eos.sh: ASCII text
[root@c ~]# file Eos_env
Eos_env: Bourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executable, with very long lines
[root@c ~]#


[root@c ~]# source Eos_env
[root@c ~]# source install-eos.sh
Set the directroy to be installed [/root/Eos]: /Appl/Eos  <--インストール先を提示
Directory: /Appl/Eos
Do you have your git account for OSDN [Y|y or N|n] ?n
Do you want to rewrite /root/.bash_prfile ? [Y|y or N|n] n
Do you want to rewrite /root/.bashrc ? [Y|y or N|n] y
Cloning into '/Appl/Eos'...
remote: Counting objects: 21849, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (16440/16440), done.
remote: Total 21849 (delta 5805), reused 19322 (delta 4959)
Receiving objects: 100% (21849/21849), 65.56 MiB | 439.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5805/5805), done.
Checking out files: 100% (25427/25427), done.
No .Eos_env
hostdepend for X86LINUX64
Cloning into 'X86LINUX64'...
remote: Counting objects: 14319, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8141/8141), done.
remote: Total 14319 (delta 5236), reused 11656 (delta 4119)
Receiving objects: 100% (14319/14319), 707.75 MiB | 433.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5236/5236), done.
Checking out files: 100% (16915/16915), done.
Setting an environment for Eos
Before you use Eos,
source $EOS_HOME0/env/Eos_env
You should rewrite /root/.bash_profile by yourself to execute /Appl/Eos/env/Eos_env.
Please check /root/.bash_profile.
You finished Eos installation.
[root@c ~]#
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Last-modified: 2018-09-19 (水) 00:22:45