openmpiでサポートされていたので調べてみた次第. これを組み上げてみる.
Description : OrangeFS (formerly PVFS2) is a high-performance parallel
: network file system designed for use on high performance computing
: systems. It provides very high performance access to disk storage for
: parallel applications. It is accessible through a variety of
: interfaces, including the native OrangeFS library, the kernel, FUSE,
: and MPI-IO.
: This package provides the pvfs2-client-core which is required to use
: the kernel module.
[root@orange1 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Rocky Linux release 8.4 (Green Obsidian)
[root@orange1 ~]# dnf -y install epel-release
[root@orange1 ~]# dnf -y install orangefs orangefs-server
ファイルサーバノード名 | port | data | meta |
orange1 | 3334 | /opt/orangefs/3334/data | /opt/orangefs/3334/meta |
[root@orange1 ~]# pvfs2-genconfig /etc/orangefs/fs.conf
* Enter protocol type [Default is tcp]:
* Enter port number [Default is 3334]:
* Enter directory name: [Default is /var/lib/orangefs/data]: /opt/orangefs/3334/data
* Enter directory name: [Default is /var/lib/orangefs/meta]: /opt/orangefs/3334/meta
* Enter hostnames [Default is localhost]: orange1
* Enter yes or no [Default is yes]:
Configured a total of 1 servers:
1 of them are I/O servers.
1 of them are Metadata servers.
* Would you like to verify server list (y/n) [Default is n]?
Writing fs config file... done
[root@orange1 ~]#
[root@orange1 ~]# cat /etc/orangefs/fs.conf
UnexpectedRequests 50
EventLogging none
EnableTracing no
LogStamp datetime
BMIModules bmi_tcp
FlowModules flowproto_multiqueue
PerfUpdateInterval 1000
ServerJobBMITimeoutSecs 30
ServerJobFlowTimeoutSecs 30
ClientJobBMITimeoutSecs 300
ClientJobFlowTimeoutSecs 300
ClientRetryLimit 5
ClientRetryDelayMilliSecs 2000
PrecreateBatchSize 0,1024,1024,1024,32,1024,0
PrecreateLowThreshold 0,256,256,256,16,256,0
DataStorageSpace /opt/orangefs/3334/data
MetadataStorageSpace /opt/orangefs/3334/meta
LogType syslog
TurnOffTimeouts yes
Alias orange1 tcp://orange1:3334
Name orangefs
ID 858608395
RootHandle 1048576
FileStuffing yes
DistrDirServersInitial 1
DistrDirServersMax 1
DistrDirSplitSize 100
Range orange1 3-4611686018427387904
Range orange1 4611686018427387905-9223372036854775806
TroveSyncMeta yes
TroveSyncData no
TroveMethod alt-aio
[root@orange1 ~]#
[root@orange1 ~]# mkdir -p /opt/orangefs/3334/data
[root@orange1 ~]# mkdir -p /opt/orangefs/3334/meta
[root@orange1 ~]# pvfs2-server -f /etc/orangefs/fs.conf
[S 09/21/2021 00:03:29] PVFS2 Server on node orange1 version 2.9.7-orangefs-REV-13124 starting...
*** WARNING *** *** WARNING *** *** WARNING ***
*The MetadataStorageSpace path /opt/orangefs/3334/meta appears
to be on the root device.
*It is recommended that the meta data be
stored on a dedicated partition.
*If you have a dedicated partition setup,
please be sure it is mounted.
*** WARNING *** *** WARNING *** *** WARNING ***
*The DataStorageSpace path /opt/orangefs/3334/data appears
to be on the root device.
*It is recommended that the data be
stored on a dedicated partition.
*If you have a dedicated partition setup,
please be sure it is mounted.
[D 09/21/2021 00:03:29] PVFS2 Server: storage space created.
[D 09/21/2021 00:03:29] Exiting.
[root@orange1 ~]#
[root@orange1 ~]# ls -l /opt/orangefs/3334/meta
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root 86 Sep 21 00:03 332d530b
drwx--x--x. 2 root root 38 Sep 21 00:03 collections.db
drwx--x--x. 2 root root 38 Sep 21 00:03 storage_attributes.db
[root@orange1 ~]# ls -l /opt/orangefs/3334/data
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 4 root root 47 Sep 21 00:03 332d530b
[root@orange1 ~]#
あとはデーモンを起動すればいいのだが、「orangefs-server.service」は「/etc/orangefs/orangefs.conf」を参照する様に作られている. ここを修正します
[root@orange1 ~]# vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/orangefs-server.service
Description=OrangeFS Parallel File System Server
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/pvfs2-server -d /etc/orangefs/fs.conf <-- この部分を修正
[root@orange1 ~]# systemctl daemon-reload
[root@orange1 ~]# systemctl start orangefs-server.service
最後にfirewall. 3334のみ穴を開ける
[root@orange1 ~]# firewall-cmd --add-port=3334/tcp --zone=public --permanent
[root@orange1 ~]# firewall-cmd --reload
[root@orange2 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Rocky Linux release 8.4 (Green Obsidian)
[root@orange2 ~]# dnf -y install orangefs orangefs-fuse
[root@orange2 ~]# cat /etc/pvfs2tab
#tcp://localhost:3334/orangefs /pvfsmnt pvfs2
[root@orange2 ~]#
となっている. これを修正して
[root@orange2 ~]# cat /etc/pvfs2tab
tcp://orange1:3334/orangefs /pvfsmnt pvfs2
[root@orange2 ~]#
[root@orange2 ~]# pvfs2-ping -m /pvfsmnt
(1) Parsing tab file...
(2) Initializing system interface...
(3) Initializing each file system found in tab file: /etc/pvfs2tab...
PVFS2 servers: tcp://orange1:3334
Storage name: orangefs
Local mount point: /pvfsmnt
/pvfsmnt: Ok
(4) Searching for /pvfsmnt in pvfstab...
PVFS2 servers: tcp://orange1:3334
Storage name: orangefs
Local mount point: /pvfsmnt
meta servers:
data servers:
(5) Verifying that all servers are responding...
meta servers:
tcp://orange1:3334 Ok
data servers:
tcp://orange1:3334 Ok
(6) Verifying that fsid 858608395 is acceptable to all servers...
Ok; all servers understand fs_id 858608395
(7) Verifying that root handle is owned by one server...
Root handle: 1048576
Ok; root handle is owned by exactly one server.
The PVFS2 filesystem at /pvfsmnt appears to be correctly configured.
[root@orange2 ~]#
一応この段階でfuseを使ってmountできるみたい. 「/etc/pvfs2tab」では「/pvfsmnt」をmountポイントにしてましたが、ここでは「/mnt」で行っています
[root@orange2 ~]# pvfs2fuse /mnt -o fs_spec=tcp://orange1:3334/orangefs
[root@orange2 ~]# df -h /mnt
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
pvfs2fuse#tcp://orange1:3334/orangefs 14G 1.8G 13G 13% /mnt
[root@orange2 ~]#
「/etc/pvfs2tab」を使うには対応するkernel moduleが必要.