本家様 https://github.com/tribell4310/reliosparc
「reliosparc - interfacing between cryoSPARC and Relion」とある.
Python3.5以降の対応なので CentOS7 の標準は 2.7.5 なので無理. 一方「python3」として提供されているのは「3.6.8」で行ける.
cudaの絡みとかもないのでOS提供の python3 を使う形で reliosparc をインストールしてみる.
[root@centos7 ~]# yum install epel-release
[root@centos7 ~]# yum install python3 python36-numpy dos2unix
[root@centos8 ~]# dnf --enablerepo=powertools install python3-numpy dos2unix python3-matplotlib
[root@centos7 ~]# cd /apps
[root@centos7 apps]# git clone https://github.com/tribell4310/reliosparc
[root@centos7 ~]# cd /apps/reliosparc
[root@centos7 reliosparc]# file cs_to_stars.py
cs_to_stars.py: Python script, ASCII text executable, with CRLF line terminators (dosファイル形式なので)
[root@centos7 reliosparc]# dos2unix cs_to_stars.py
dos2unix: converting file cs_to_stars.py to Unix format ...
[root@centos7 reliosparc]# file cs_to_stars.py
cs_to_stars.py: Python script, ASCII text executable (unix形式へ変換)
[root@centos7 reliosparc]#
[root@centos7 reliosparc]# head -n 3 cs_to_stars.py (初めの3行を表示)
Tristan Bell
[root@centos7 reliosparc]# sed -i '1s/^/#!\/usr\/bin\/python3\n/' cs_to_stars.py
[root@centos7 reliosparc]# head -n 3 cs_to_stars.py
[root@centos7 reliosparc]# chmod +x cs_to_stars.py
「python3 /apps/reliosparc/cs_to_stars.py」で実行してもいいのでしょうけど.
「/etc/modulefiles/reliosparc 」
set-alias cs_to_stars.py /apps/reliosparc/cs_to_stars.py
module load reliosparc
「The cs_to_stars.py script can take a cryosparc *.cs file, extract the particle coordinates, and format them into star files for easy import into relion. Please note that this script only transfers particle coordinates. If you would rather extract a particle stack in cryosparc and process it further in relion, the csparc2star script in David Asarnow's PyEM repository works well.」
その csparc2star は PyEM にあります.